The Connell Twins

Florida International University is on the verge of getting two tremendous local football players. First Coast High School’s twin offensive linemen, Dallas and Doug Connell, both 6’0” and 285 pounds, will heading down to Miami to enroll at midterm in a few short weeks.

Amy Connell, the twin’s mother, said the early recruiting process was a roller coaster of emotions.

“The boys had high hopes at first,” Amy says. “FIU was their first offer. Our family was sitting in the living room and had just finished talking about what school to go to around the time spring practice started. We talked about life after football and we were preparing ourselves if we did not get an offer. An hour later, FIU called. They offered Dallas. The following Thursday, they offered Douglas. They wanted to go to same school. It was very exciting and surreal. A real emotional time.”

The twins have played together on the offensive line since Pop Warner football when they started their careers in North Jacksonville.

Since accepting the FIU offer, Dallas has been offered by Charleston Southern while both twins have been offered by Stetson. They are not changing their decision.

There was never a doubt that they would play together at the same school.

“We knew all along that we wanted to go together,” Dallas says.  web twins inset1 NE 1215

Dallas says he was very impressed with FIU beyond football. Both the twins are excellent students.

“The school’s motto is ‘Worlds Ahead’,” Dallas says. “It’s so advanced. They’re always adding on. It’s all innovative.”

Dallas says since he wants to major in health service administration or occupational therapy, he could appreciate the FIU medical program.

Doug echoed his brother’s sentiments by saying how impressed he was with FIU’s technology.

“We saw robots in the medical center,” Doug says. “We even saw a robot that could give birth.”

Because both players enjoy working out, the FIU weight room also caught their attention.

“It’s great,” Dallas says. “The whole stadium and weight room are all there. I couldn’t believe how big it was.”

Both twins are keeping up with FIU’s season through television or the Internet. They like head coach Ron Turner and his staff.

Currently, both players are working out at First Coast during the week and at their gym on weekends.

Neither twin has to take a heavy class load this semester. For example, Dallas says he is only taking two classes per day, meaning he is done with classes by 10:20 each morning.

The twins are planning on attending the Western Kentucky game on Nov. 21 and possibly taking an official visit in December.

Both twins said the decision to leave high school early was logical.

“They (the coaching staff) encouraged us to do it,” Doug says. “The sooner we get down, the sooner we can learn the system.”

Dallas and Doug have enjoyed their time at First Coast despite a subpar year for the Buccaneers.

web twins inset2 NE 1215“This year has not been as good, but my 10th and 11th grade years, we were dominant,” Dallas says. “First Coast helped me prepare for college football.”

First Coast head coach Marty Lee says the twins were positive examples in high school.

“This is our fourth year with them,” Lee says. “Their mother and father went to First Coast. The boys are hard workers. They are good football players and greater people. I’m excited for them. They put in the extra work. They are leaders in school. They have high GPA and integrity. They come from a family-oriented background.”

He also says they will do well at FIU.

“FIU will get kids who will graduate,” Lee says. “They are both program players. They’ll have a great four-year career at FIU.”

Doug says the last two years at First Coast High have been phenomenal.

“Last year, we averaged 35 points per game,” Doug says. “It’s a fine school. We got our required credits. We thrived on the football team.”

It is also looking like there will be another Connell at FIU in two years. Their sister, Desi, has accepted an offer to play softball at FIU.

If their time at First Coast High has any indication, fans at FIU will get to appreciate the Connell family over the next several years in the classroom and on the field.

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