Q&A With Nease Wrestler Brielle Bibla







Brielle Bibla is the name to look out for. She attends Nease High School and is on the wrestling team. Recently, Bibla came in fifth place at the girls wrestling state championship. I wanted to know more about her love for wrestling – which just started this year. 


Tyrah: How did you begin wrestling? 

Brielle: I started wrestling with combat sports. I’ve been in martial arts ever since I was 8 years old. It started with tae kwon do. Then, I was introduced to jiu jitsu, and now in high school I’m in wrestling. It felt like a natural progression for me and where I wanted to go with my life. This is my first year doing wrestling, so I look forward to many more to come.


T: Who are some of your biggest sports inspirations?

B: Before wrestling, I always wanted to go to the UFC, so all of the big title fighters: Connor McGregor, Ronda Rousey, and Khabib Nurmagomedov. Now with wrestling, I have people that inspire me more like Jordan Burroughs and Ben Askren. 


T: What are some ways that you stay motivated? 

B: I listen to Jocko Willink’s podcast a lot and read his books about motivation. Overall, I am a very motivated kid, and for me to stay motivated isn’t hard. It just starts by waking up and making yourself believe it’s going to be a good day. 


T: How did it feel to place at the state championship?

B: It felt amazing to be recognized for all the hard work I put into this sport. Yes, I placed, but I don’t consider myself a great wrestler yet.


T: What are some ways you prepare for a match? 

B: Preparing for a match doesn’t start the day before. It starts a week before. Making sure you eat right is very important. Eating the right foods not only gives you energy and strength, but it keeps you on weight. Every day my meals consist of 20 grams of protein or more. That helps me build muscle and energy. The morning of a match, I eat an egg sandwich, which has protein, carbs, and fiber. When it comes to two to three hours before a match, I eat nothing. One, because I already have the energy to wrestle from the morning and week. Two, a hungry lion fights better than a full lion. I listen to the band Sabaton before every single one of my matches. My favorite song by them is “Price of a Mile.” It’s about how many soldiers are lost at war to gain victory at every mile.


T: What do you say to critics who think women shouldn’t wrestle?

B: They are just wrong! That’s like saying girls can’t do soccer or basketball. It’s called wrestling, not boys wrestling. If anyone says that, they must not know anything about women or wrestling. Not to mention next year, Florida will officially be sanctioned for women’s wrestling, so there is no stopping it now. It’s only growing. 


T: What advice would you give to a young woman who wants to wrestle but may be afraid? 

B: Fear is something we all face. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I was always taught to face my fears head on. Overcoming a fear shows confidence. If you overcome something that took a lot of courage, then what other things can you accomplish fear-free? If you can face your fears head on and believe in yourself, you will overcome it, no matter what it is. Having the courage to do something is an accomplishment in itself.


T: Who helps you the most? 

B: My family. They are always very supportive of me. My dad is my coach at life and wrestling, and so is my mom. My sister is my forever training partner. When we are just watching a movie and my dad wants me to try something, she is always there for me to practice it on. My family supports me in every way possible. I have a lot of coaches in my corner who believe in me and are always working with me.



Written by: Tyrah Walker

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