On Cloud Nine: Latreona Holmes

When coaches say it’s a joy to work with Latreona Holmes, you can believe it.  Holmes, the daughter of Letrima (husband Robert) McNeal and Larry Holmes, is a multi-sport star who just completed her career at Ware County Middle School. Known affectionately as “Laylay,” Holmes has the type personality that really shines through. You can almost hear her smiling over the phone.

“She has this sweet personality,” says Mrs. McNeal. “We can be in Walmart and someone will ask me ‘Are you Laylay’s mom?’ Everybody just loves her. The teachers say she stays on task and helps in the classroom.  She is a down-to-earth girl until you get to know her; then she is just silly and goofy, a typical 14-year-old.”

Her atypical initiative recently earned Laylay the WCMS “Hard Work” Award, bestowed in memory of Coach William Golden. She was also voted Most Athletic for the 2014-15 school year by her peers, recognizing contributions to the WCMS softball, basketball, and track teams.  She has also played on several travel softball teams. 

“Softball is my favorite because I’ve played it the longest, about six years now,” says the switch hitter, who plugs in at first base, shortstop, and centerfield. “I like slap-hitting and slap-bunting. Since I’m on the left side, I can take advantage of my speed in getting to first. My favorite highlight is when we played Waycross Middle and I made a double play. We had runners at first and second and I caught the ball and threw to second to get the out.” 

Zena Lloyd, the softball coach at WCMS, says, “Latreona was always willing to make herself the best player at whatever position I needed her. Our team will truly miss her, but she will be an incredible addition to Ware County High.”

Coaches at the high school are already taking note. Mandy Lingenfelter, the girls’ basketball coach at WCHS, taught Holmes in middle school the past two years.

“She is a very hard-working and committed young lady,” says Lingenfelter. “Her character is what makes her. I am looking forward to finally getting Latreona at the high school, where she will contribute to our team in a positive way.”

Jerry Murray, Holmes’ coach at WCMS the past three years, confirms that assessment.

“Latreona prioritizes the team’s success over her own and will speak up when she feels you’re not pulling your own on the court,” says Murray of the 5’5” small forward. “There is no denying she will be successful in whatever she does in the future.”

“I like having the ability to attack the basket and score,” says Laylay, who helped WCMS win a conference hoops title. “But my biggest challenge was shooting three-pointers. After we won the championship, all the girls came into the locker room and started celebrating. It was a fun experience.” 

Though she has also tried her hand at tennis, Laylay usually spends spring on the cinder track. “Tennis is different challenge; I’m used to softball, and I’d hit the ball too hard,” she laughs. “I actually have hit the ball over the fence before. My coach was like, ‘Honey, this is not softball.’”

On the track, Laylay helped lead WCMS to a runner-up finish this spring at the conference meet. Last year, she finished third at conference in the 400-meter sprint. She has also competed in the 200-meter and high jump, as well as the 4×100 and 4×400 relays.

“My favorites are 4 x 100 and high jump,” she says. “High jump looked like a challenge, so I tried it. But I like the relays because of all the different extremes.”

“Latreona is one of those student athletes that are hard to find these days,” says WCMS athletic director Chad Starling. “Her work ethic and desire to get better rank up there with anyone I have ever coached. She strives to excel in the classroom first and takes that same attitude to the playing field or court. The characteristics that she possesses will be hard to replace, but it has truly been an honor and a blessing to be a part of her life. I believe God has big plans ahead.”

She carried a 93 average through middle school, with a concentration in gifted studies. Laylay has also been a member of the National Junior Honor Society. Additionally, she has been on the honor roll and had perfect attendance the past four years.  Other pursuits have included FCA, Junior Cotillion, and Student Council. Outside of school, she worships at Church of Christ Written in Heaven. Community service interests include Hospice House. 

“Laylay has a hectic schedule, and I have to keep stuff written down,” says Mrs. McNeal. “She goes to morning workouts with the high school and then goes to afternoon practice until 4.  Then we go to Hinesville for AAU basketball. On weekends, she is either sleeping or curled up reading a book.” 

With a grandmother and aunt who both work in nursing, Laylay has an affinity for science and hopes to become a cardiologist. She follows University of Georgia softball, along with Notre Dame and Baylor basketball. When time permits, she plays with her sister, Alexis, a second-grader. At the end of the day, the entire family comes together to provide encouragement and support.

“I want to thank my mom and my family,” says Laylay. “Also, my coaches I’ve had over the years and our school staff for allowing us to have athletics. And I want to thank God for having the opportunity and ability to do what I do.” 


Rising Star

Latreona Holmes

Ware County Middle School

By John DuPont

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