At Fitzgerald High School the wrestling program is nothing short of commitment, respect, and hard work. When talking to team captions Morgan Mitchell and Dustin Armstrong, it was obvious they both have a love for the sport of wrestling. The two friends and competitors are looking to take Fitzgerald all the way this year by leading their team by example.
Morgan and Dustin have been wrestling for most of their lives. Morgan’s wrestling career started out at Irwin County, but when his dad and one of his wrestling coaches decided that they were going to make their own wrestling team, Morgan jumped on board. The East Side Bad Boys hit the matt competing in USA wrestling.
“It’s just you out there; you don’t have to depend on anybody, and it’s just you and the other opponent,” Morgan said when asked what he loved about wrestling.
Dustin didn’t start wrestling for Fitzgerald until last year. He started off playing baseball and was struck by the wrestling atmosphere in sixth grade. From then on he decided to focus and become a better wrestling athlete.
When asked what he loved about wrestling, his response was much like Morgan’s. “When you’re on the matt, it’s only you and one other person,” Dustin said. “You don’t have a team to help you out; it’s just you and that one other guy. When you win, you feel greatly accomplished, and when you lose, you learn a big lesson from it.”
Both athletes are aware of what it takes for Fitzgerald’s wrestling team to be successful. Yes, they compete one-on-one on the matt, but it’s a team effort to make sure Fitzgerald as a whole “shows up” every competition day. They plan on trying to keep everyone focused and positive for upcoming matches, as they both understand that wrestling is one of the toughest sports to be in.
“You have to be physically, mentally, and technically sound, or you’re not going to be able to compete very well with everyone else,” Morgan said.
“With wrestling, you have to be in top physical shape,” Dustin said. “Every once in a while you might have to drop a weight class, but that’s only making you better and to add more grit to you. Technique definitely has a lot to do with it. You can have someone who benches 350 and be 6’2’’ and still get wiped out by someone who’s maybe 5’7’’ (and) 250 pounds. But there are a lot of variables when it comes to wrestling. I know if your mental game is not strong, it throws everything off. You have to be all in; everything needs to be in the best shape.”
Dustin’s mindset is on dominating the floor. Last season was a short and rough one for him: He shattered his pinky knuckle in the first match of the season and was out all the way until State. Being injured for the majority of the season, he said he was out of shape and that his wrestling season his sophomore year was much better to look back at. With it being his senior year, not only is Dustin looking to make a comeback, but he’s looking to take it all the way.
For Morgan, one of his highlights from last season was going to team duals and placing third in State. He is without a doubt shooting to have another successful season this year.
Morgan, who has been wrestling for about 15 years, pays much respect to his family. When asked who he looks up to, he said, “Definitely my parents. They’ve pushed and supported me since I was three.” Morgan also gave a shout out to his younger brother, who has been his wrestling partner growing up. For them, wrestling is obviously a family event to attend and enjoy together.
Both captains talk highly of their coach, Robert Merritt. For Dustin, Merritt is someone he most admires. “My coach is one of the best coaches,” Dustin said. “He looks out for each and every one of us. He’s helped me out not only on the mat but off the mat.”
Merritt taught Dustin an important life lesson about compassion and altruism. When Merritt found out that Dustin’s family was struggling to pay their light bill one month, he paid it for them. Dustin tried to pay him back, but Merritt wouldn’t accept it. Instead, he told Dustin that he could pay him back by working it off with wrestling.
It’s no question that these two athletes are exceptional high school students. Dustin plans to join the Army after high school and is already aiming to be a part of the military’s wrestling team. Morgan he has his eyes set on wrestling for Appalachian State or the University of Tennessee Chattanooga.
The captains made almost identical statements about each other. Morgan said that Dustin is not only a strong athlete, but a great technical wrestler. Like Morgan, Dustin said, “Morgan is a very technical wrestler; he has great mental game. Most times wrestlers get nervous, and you’ll never see Morgan like that. He owns the mat. By far he’s not the strongest wrestler but one of the best. He’s also a great friend off the mat too.”
South Georgia | January 2017
Keep Your Head in the Game, and Remember Why You Love This Sport
Written by: Brittany K. Wyche
Photography by: Micki K Photography