GHSA Gymnastics Season to Begin With COVID-19 Guidelines

GHSA Gymnastics Season to Begin With COVID-19 Guidelines

Flipping, twisting, and tumbling have returned to the state of Georgia. The GHSA gymnastics season will be upon us in the new year, and new rules have been put into place due to COVID-19.

Because gymnastics is an inside, winter sport, the GHSA announced that rule modifications had to be put in place in an attempt to control the spread of the virus. Six special rules and modifications for hosting, attending, and competing in gymnastics competitions were released by the GHSA on Nov. 19.

The considerations outlined in the document are meant to “decrease potential exposure to respiratory droplets by encouraging social distancing, limiting participation in administrative tasks to essential personnel and allowing protective equipment during practice and competition.”

The first outline contains all rules related to the host school’s responsibility. After checking with their athletic director and Department of Public Health, the host should sanitize all mats and equipment used for stretching, landing, warm ups, etc. before the competition begins.

Officials’ tables and chairs will be sanitized between sessions, and hand sanitizer will be provided for all teams attending. Attendance will also be limited by reducing the number of teams allowed to compete in a single session.

The second outline deals with what type of equipment is needed and when it will be required. Face masks are allowed, but not required, by all participants during warm-ups and during their performances on all apparatuses.

If a gymnast does not wish to wear the face covering while competing or warming up, they will be required to wear the mask once their individual performance is complete.

Dressing rooms will not be made available during the competitions; therefore, each athlete should arrive in their leotard with their own water bottle.

Thirdly, every person actively involved with the event should be wearing a face covering. This includes all coaches, gymnasts, managers, staff, trainers, and judges. Everyone is encouraged to practice social distancing.

The final three outlines contain guidelines for awards, concessions, and spectator entrance. During awards, all athletes should wear their masks and remain socially distant from other teams.

At concession stands, all food will be packaged, and multiple hand sanitizer bottles will be made available to everyone.

In terms of spectator entrance, all ticket takers should wear masks and gloves. However, they may also choose to sit behind a protective barrier. The ticket line should have markers every 6 feet, or the athletic director should provide an option for online ticketing. If necessary, the number of fans should be limited as well.

It seems as though the GHSA has taken the time to fully research and implement what would be best for keeping athletes, as well as everyone else involved, safe.

If participants stick to the rule modifications, gymnastics season should be able to start as scheduled and end with teams taking home state titles.




Written by: Reagan Cofield

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