Florida’s 5 Coolest High School Mascots

A school’s mascot is something all students can stand behind. It’s used in pre-game chants, worn proudly on uniforms, and displayed all throughout the school. Some strike fear in the hearts of opponents, while others make them chuckle.

Here’s a list of the coolest high school mascots you’ll find here in the Sunshine State.

  1. Cornerstone Charter Academy Ducks, Orlando
    Their official motto is “Let’s get this bread!” No, not really, but it should be. They make the list because ducks are cool animals. Although it’s not very intimidating, they do share their mascot with a particularly feared college team – the University of Oregon.
  2. Charlotte High School Fighting Tarpons, Punta Gorda
    This mascot makes the list for one big reason: Their logo is absolutely perfect. It’s a mean-mugging tarpon wearing a hat and boxing gloves. It’s hilariously intimidating.
  3. Colonial High School Grenadiers, Orlando
    The prestigious regiment of the British Grenadiers are high ranking soldiers who wore tall, furry hats. The outfit looks spiffy, and there’s no doubting their significance on the battlefield. This mascot is both fashionable and fear-inducing.
  4. Lakeland Senior High School Dreadnaughts, Lakeland
    It’s hard to say the word without feeling the intensity. Without any context, the “dread” part of the word sets the tone. British battleships are called dreadnaughts. In the early 1900s, a British soldier nicknamed the high school’s football team this term. He believed they powered through opponents similar to how a dreadnaught moved, crashing over large waves with authority.
  5. Tarpon Springs High School Spongers, Tarpon Springs
    One of the first animals to ever appear on earth was likely a sponge. They are found all across the ocean floor and especially in Tarpon Springs, commonly called the “Sponge Capital of the World.” About a century ago, the city was a prominent trade center for the sea creatures. This mascot is simple, historical, and reminds us of the best cartoon ever made.




Written by: Cameron Jones

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