Fletcher Runner Completes Strong High School Career, Signs to Continue Running at Yale University

To be competitive as a long-distance runner, one must have a little natural skill, a ton of discipline, and a certain type of character – one that remains positive after a bad race and thirsty to do better the next. Kayley Delay, senior at Fletcher High School, has it all, and her commitment to the sport has earned her an impressive running résumé at the high school level as well as a spot on a nationally competitive Ivy League cross country and track team. She officially committed to take her running to the next level by signing to run at Yale University.

“My goal is to work my way up on the team,” DeLay said. “I hope to improve and eventually make it to the top seven so I get to travel and hopefully make nationals and compete at that kind of level.”

The Yale women’s cross country team closed out the 2016 season with a 30th place team finish against a stacked field at the NCAA XC Nationals. These runners competing at the Division I level are moving at a pace unimaginable to the average runner, and Yale is certainly a university on the rise from a cross country perspective.

For DeLay, the ability to compete comes naturally when paired with the proper training; however, her passion for running makes it all worth it for her in the end.

“I do love running; I love it in the sense that it’s a lifestyle choice,” DeLay said. “I mean, it’s definitely a sport, cross country and track, but I like that running is something that everyone does, simply to be in shape. I just enjoy the simple runs or like the five mile runs where I don’t have to run fast; it’s an opportunity to think, to stay in shape, and it’s fun.”

DeLay started out as a soccer player through middle school, but with parents who both ran at the collegiate level (which is also how her parents met), she always knew that running was something she’d eventually find herself getting into.

“I played midfield, so I ran back and forth, which is sort of where my running began, but I realized I was a little tiny for soccer,” DeLay said. “I was getting knocked around, and even though I did really like it, I found that running was more my passion. So, I picked it up from there and started training a bit more, and it’s gotten me this far.”

DeLay qualified to compete at the state level in both cross country and track all four years of her high school career. A few finishes of note at the state level include a fourth place finish in cross country, third in the 1600-meter run, and second in the 3200-meter run during her sophomore year; a second place finish in cross country, second in the 1600-meter run, and first in the 3200-meter run during her junior year; and another second place finish in cross country during her senior year.

DeLay certainly has hopes of another state title or two during her senior track season, but no matter what, her head will remain high as she grows as a runner and transitions to the college level of competition.

With a sub-five-minute mile and a 5K personal record in the mid-17s, DeLay logs about 35 quality miles per week, including a weekly long run of about 10 miles and a couple of speed workouts sprinkled among several other solid five-mile runs. She maintains a similar training routine through both her track and cross country seasons. For runners consistently logging 30-plus miles per week almost every week of the year, burnout isn’t all that hard to come by. DeLay, however, not only finds joy in putting one foot in front of other, but also through the people she is able to surround herself with as a runner.

“It is a blast, and it is so much fun being in a running community,” DeLay said. “Everyone I’ve met through running are the nicest people. Everyone is competitive, but still so nice. I feel like you can’t go wrong with running.”

With her excellent stride and vibrant attitude, Yale University has certainly gained an excellent addition to their team in DeLay, and of course the Northeast Florida area is excited to see what this young lady can do at the collegiate level.

Personal Records:

1600-meter: 4:57

3200-meter: 10:30

5K: 17:36

GPA (Weighted): 4.8

Class Rank: 6th

Her Biggest Fans: “My mom and dad, my brother, and coach Holloway are certainly the most supportive people in my running career.”

Intended Major at Yale University: “I’m not 100 percent sure, but I’m definitely leaning towards engineering.”

Random Sidebar: DeLay will likely make her mark as a distance runner in her usual events as she heads off to Yale, but she has her eye on an event she has never actually competed in as well. “I’m considering the steeple chase,” DeLay said. “My dad made me this little hurdle, and I’ve already been practicing on it, and I can already tell that it’s something I’m all about.”

Fletcher Runner Completes Strong High School Career, Signs to Continue Running at Yale University

Kayley Delay | Fletcher High School | April/May 2017

Written by: Sarah Turner

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