East Cobb Baseball: The Impact on Travel Baseball
It started out as a simple idea for Guerry Baldwin. He was a youth baseball coach in Cobb County, born and raised in the Atlanta area. Baldwin formed the first East Cobb baseball team that was made up of a group of talented players who had played in and won the Little League World Series in 1983. He loved coaching youth baseball and enjoyed coaching all skill levels of youth. But he noticed that the concept of a “one size fits all” really did not work.
“We were doing a lot for all the kids, regardless of their skill set and abilities. But we noticed that the kids that were missing out were the kids who were the elite or above average kids. The ones that really stood out were the ones missing out,” Baldwin says. “They were grouped with kids who weren’t at their level, and it wasn’t any good for either group of kids. So, we wanted to start a system that would address that and could work for the kids on all levels of talent. That’s how East Cobb started”.
Read the rest in our Georgia February/March 2021 magazine right here for FREE! This issue features Jabari Smith from Sandy Creek, Matthew Cleveland from Pace Academy, and more great athletes.
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