First Coast Football Player Corbin Carter


First Coast High School senior Corbin Carter is excited about attending and playing football for Savannah State University next year. SSU is a historically black college with a great football program. I got the chance to catch up with Carter to talk with him about his excitement on graduating high school and starting his legacy at the collegiate level. 


Tyrah: How excited are you to be attending Savannah State University? What are you looking forward to the most?  

Corbin: I am very excited to be attending Savannah State and blessed to have the opportunity. What I’m looking forward to is the competition that I will be going against, going to school, attending all of my classes, and winning games at Savannah State to hopefully win a national championship.


T: I know senior year has been different this year for many. How are you dealing with all the changes? 

C: I really haven’t changed anything. I’m still doing my school work every day, making sure I keep my grades up, and staying on top of my work, especially since we’re working from home. I’m still working out and making good decisions for my future.


T: What’s one thing you’re going to miss about high school?

C: One thing that I’m going to miss about high school is football season. Football season is the most exciting part of high school. (I enjoyed) hearing the band every Friday night, going to practice with good energy, and being with my teammates and coaches. I will also miss my teachers that taught me everything while I was in high school.


T: How do you Live In the Game?

C: I block out all the haters and continue to do everything 1,000 watts. I push myself to the best of my ability every practice and every game.


T: Who has inspired you the most in your football career?

C: Ray Lewis and Sean Taylor inspired me. I’ve always loved the way they hit and the way they played the game of football.


T: How do you plan to start your legacy at your HBCU?

C: I plan to start my legacy first by playing everything 1,000 watts, making plays, and getting my name out there. I also plan to go to Savannah State with a humble attitude.


T: What advice would you give upcoming senior athletes?

C: Upcoming senior athletes should keep working no matter what. Keep your grades up, never fall behind, and stay focused. Don’t let peer pressure get to you! Have a fun senior season.


We wish Corbin the best in his collegiate football career!




Written by: Tyrah Walker

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