Baseball Double Feature

Al Lopez said, “Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it’s business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don’t love what you’re doing and you can’t give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You’ll be an old man before you know it.”

Pierce County High School’s baseball team has two stand up seniors, Logan Paul and Luke Revels that have done what they love for years: baseball. Over the years, the class of 2016 has lost many baseball players to a variety of reasons; however, Logan and Luke are the only two who have stuck it out, and for that, they are extremely special.

For 14 years, Logan Paul has played baseball; he’s only eighteen years old. This 2016 year marks his final year playing this challenging sport. Logan has played outfield throughout high school, where he started in left field and then moved to center field. When needed, Logan also pitched. Always aiming to set a good example, he strives to be a hardworking and consistent athlete. “I would describe my work style as being a very consistent hard worker.” said Logan. Often coaches have told him that where he lacks in talent, he makes up in work ethic.

At PCHS, athletics are held at a high standard, however; academics always come first. Logan has repeatedly showed his “consistent” work ethic in the classroom, year after year. He has been a dual enrollment student, maintaining a 4.0 GPA in both high school and college.

Everyone has a personal motivation; For Logan, his internal drive for success is what pushes him to accomplish the phenomenal things that he has. “Since a very young age, I have no problem setting personal goals within myself and working extremely hard to achieve those goals.” said Logan. Constantly, Logan is reminding himself that he is playing for his whole team, not just himself. Logan said, “Understanding that you are playing the game for others as well keeps me motivated by making sure I do not disappointed those that I am playing for.” Bear Baseball has always been about working as a team, which builds an unbreakable brotherhood.

When asked to reflect on a time where Logan was particularly proud a group project, he said, “Is winning 3 region championships in a row during my freshman through sophomore years of high school in baseball.”

Goals, we all have them, and we do not always meet them, but they make us stronger.

Gaining 30 college credit hours before college is an important goal for Logan. While playing football and baseball, he will be able to complete this goal; when the time comes, he will enter college as a sophomore. One of Logan’s long term goals he has had was to become a professional baseball player; he did not meet this goal. Despite not meeting this goal, it only means that one door has closed for another to open. Upon graduation, Logan plans on attending Georgia Southern University to pursue a degree in engineering. He does not plan on playing baseball.

Whether or not you are on the field, in the classroom, or at home, life can get stressful. Logan handles stress with much grace, as he relies solely on God. He said, “a daily reminder that if God gets me to it, he will get me through it.” “The fact that we are a young team”, mentioned Logan, is the greatest challenge for this 2016 season, but Logan believes that this team is showing great improvement and will do what they can to advance in the playoffs.

As a senior, Logan is mostly looking forward to ending his senior year by watching everything pay off and walking across the stage at graduation. This community has been very influential in his life, and he is constantly making them proud. Logan also mentioned, “My biggest influence has come from a collective group of people: my family.”

Logan began his baseball career early in life, as mentioned earlier. When asked what his favorite memory was, he reflected on those days playing little league travel ball, which afforded him the opportunity to travel all over Georgia and parts of Florida. He said, “It was some of the best and most enjoyable years of my life.”

“The other senior on the team, Luke Revels, has been one of my best friends since as long as I can remember. He is one of the greatest guys I know and one of the closest friends I have. I have seen Luke go through much adversity, like injuries and surgeries, but he always perseveres and sticks it out. Coming from a class that had many players, they decided to stop playing baseball early, having only one other guy stay on the team with me has allowed us to really grow in our friendship on and off the field. I know that if I ever need anything throughout life, I will always have a friend in Luke, and hopefully he knows the same for me.” stated Logan Paul.

Likewise, Luke Revels, said similar of Logan, “My relationship with the other senior is one I will cherish forever. We have always been there for each other and have played many games together throughout the years. He is someone I know I can trust and depend on no matter what. He has become a brother to me and I know that he will always have my back just like I will always have his.”

Mr. Luke Revels has played baseball since he was four years old, and since then has grown into a hard-working and dependable athlete and person. This 2016 season is also Luke’s final year playing baseball. It has been bitter-sweet but well worth it. During the 2015 season, Luke was the catcher, however; during the summer he faced an injury that placed him as the designated hitter for his senior year.

As the end of his senior year approaches, Luke does not plan on continuing his baseball career, but rather plans on focusing on education. He is extremely excited for the next step and plans on becoming a physical therapist.

Every athlete harbors a personal motivator, for Luke it is his family, particularly, his parents and sister. Luke said, “I just want to be the best I can possibly be at whatever I do so I can return the favor for them. Knowing this year is my last ever putting on a baseball uniform helps keep me motivated.”

Goals can be plentiful, but it is often difficult to meet them. Luke admitted in his interview that there have been numerous times that he has failed to meet a goal, however; he set the goal to attend college and is well on his way to success thanks to a variety of college acceptance letters.

When asked how he personally handles stress and pressure, Luke responded by saying, “I just try to think to myself that everything will turn out alright. I know that God has a plan for me and never makes mistakes, so I just try to show faith in that during periods of stress and pressure.”

As mentioned above, Luke has played baseball since he was four, and he is eighteen years old. Over the years, Luke has been influenced by many people. “I would say that my parents have influenced me the most. Ever since I was old enough to learn, they have taught me right from wrong and helped shape me into the young man I am today.” added Luke, “They have always been there for me no matter the situation, and they have constantly pushed me to be the best that I could be at whatever it was I was doing. Without their love and compassion, I would not be where I am today, and I cannot thank them enough for what they have done for me.

Luke’s favorite memory prior to high school ball was his very first home run. “It was an amazing experience for me.” said Luke. During high school he reflected on all of his time there. Having to become a member of the “family” along with winning three region championships was by far his most adored recollection, and is something that he will never forget.

After 14 years of actively dragging his family around ball fields, Luke had a final remark he wanted to share with his family and coaches. “I want to thank my family and coaches for everything that they have done for me throughout my high school career. I also want to thank the community for always coming out and supporting the team. And finally I want to thank all of the people I have played with and against during high school. Ya’ll helped bring the best competition for me, and without that I would not have become the athlete and person I am today.”

Southeast Georgia/June 2016

Pierce Page

Baseball Double Feature

By Ivy Young

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