
Bicycle Motocross Becoming Increasingly Popular Among South Georgians

Ready or not, bicycle motocross, better known as BMX, is increasing rapidly in popularity.  The sport made its debut in the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing and has only become more widely known since that time.  BMX blends intense racing with freestyle tricks and big jumps, making it distinctly different from any competition most have ever seen.  Riders compete against one another on a motocross-style track filled with obstacles, such as hills or deep turns, while trying to out-maneuver one another in order to post the fastest time in the often single-lap race.

One reason the sport has seen a major resurgence is due to how easy it is to begin racing.  There are no complex preparations required, as participants need only a bike and the willingness to learn in order to start riding.  One local duo, Chris Curry and his young son, Kai, have strengthened their bond while becoming just a couple of several area riders to get involved.

“We just like to ride bikes and go fast,” Curry said. “As a kid I remember how much fun I used to have doing jumps in the dirt. That’s what got us interested.  We started in February or March and actually built a dirt track in our back yard.  (Kai) has been interested ever since.”

Curry also noted how easy it is to participate as a major reason for the growing trend.

“Most of the (BMX) tracks offer bikes that they let people use for no charge,” he continued. “Some tracks have everything you need to race.  You can just show up with nothing and still go out and ride.”

Both the United States men and women medaled in BMX in the most recent Olympic Games.  That, along with a major social media movement that has been engineered across several platforms by USA BMX, has caused the sport to grow in and around the South Georgia area.

“The sport isn’t as popular as it could be in this area yet, primarily because the only track we have in our area at the moment is in Albany,” Curry stated. “There are five or six tracks in the Atlanta area, though, so most of the Georgia racers either travel or they are from around the Atlanta area.”

Curry also noted that BMX has become wildly popular in Florida, and it is possible that that popularity could spill over into the South Georgia area even more in the coming weeks and months.  Additionally, Tom Brown Park in Tallahassee is in the process of renovating its track and it will be completed in the near future, which is another aspect of BMX that local riders can enjoy.

New riders can decide which competition, racing or freestyle, to enter into after practicing and becoming better acquainted with the sport.  Some prefer going as fast as possible over hills and down steep embankments, while others simply want to perform cool tricks.

According to Curry, another major factor in the sport’s growth is the camaraderie felt among those who participate.

“It is one of the best atmospheres I’ve been able to be a part of,” Curry, who was introduced to BMX in the mid-1980’s, said. “We go to Dothan (Alabama), Atlanta and just around our area, but some of the people we race with go nationally. It’s a big family and everyone helps each other out. It’s a good family environment. I like that just as much as racing.”

In order to start participating in BMX, go to USABMX.com, which contains track directories and instructions on how to get involved in the action.

“I would just say have fun and go at your own pace,” Curry said of his advice to any newcomers. “Don’t try to do too much too fast and just have fun with it. Listen to the more experienced people who are willing to help you out. It’s pretty cool the kind of stuff you can learn just by showing up.”

ITG Web Content

Bicycle Motocross Becoming Increasingly Popular Among South Georgians

Written by Jacob Dennis

Photo courtesy of Chris and Gina Curry

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