Only In Your Mind!

Camden “Bone” Siefert is just like any other 6 year old. He enjoys playing sports and watching them on television when he is not playing. He keeps his parents Megan and Joe, and little sister Sadie on the move. He wants to grow up and play for the St Louis Cardinals and his favorite college team is the Florida State Seminoles. Twice a week right now he can be found at Northeast Pensacola ballfields playing first base and lead off batting for the Pensacola Park and Recreation Titans Tee Ball team.

Compared to other boys his age he is very active and one of the better athletes for his group. He was the leading scorer for his basketball team this past winter. He will start first grade this upcoming fall and is planning on playing youth football. Sounds like a lot of kids featured in In the Game Magazine.

But what makes Cam truly special and athletically gifted for his age is that Bone does all this with only one hand. THAT’S RIGHT!  He was born with a congenital birth defect that left him without a right hand.

Now many kids his age might be withdrawn, not athletic, or ashamed due to this condition. “Bone” does not give it one thought! His defect is in other people’s minds, NOT HIS! This feisty six year old has adapted techniques for batting and catching that allows him to play on the same or higher level as his team mates. “Bone” reminds one of former major leaguer Jim Abbot who played 10 seasons with 4 different teams, all without a right hand.

“Bone” is finishing up kindergarten at Beulah Elementary and enjoys recess and math problems.  He does say morning work is not a lot of fun. But any chance he gets he wants to be outside playing ball, and it really does not matter what ball it is. The only limiting factor for this youngster is what is in other people’s eyes because he does not see any through his eyes.

Oh! What’s up with this name “Bone”? Well when he was younger his parents and grandparents affectionately called him “Hambone”. Surprisingly he began to answer to it. So in the time honored tradition of southerners and their nicknames it got shortened to “Bone”.  Don’t be surprised in a few years when you begin to hear more about Camden “Bone” Siefert.  We’ve met him.  We certainly won’t.

June 2016

Only In Your Mind!

Emerald Coast

Written and Photo by: Arnold Gamber

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