4 Questions with Bobby Raulerson

4 Questions with Bobby Raulerson
Fletcher Football Head Coach

1. What was your path that led you to begin coaching?
“I was actually working in the area of real estate in 2006 when the coaches at Providence high school asked me to help out. I immediately fell in love with working with the kids, and just being around the game of high school football. I knew right away that this is something I wanted to continue doing, so I converted my part time coaching position into a teaching degree at Providence High, so that I could coach full time! That Eventually led me here to Fletcher high school, where I became an assistant last season before being named head coach this season.”

2. So, how has this first year as a head coach been for you? How are things going?
“It’s been fun and challenging all rolled up into one. We are doing really well on the field. We are 5-1, with our only loss coming against a really good Fleming Island team. But we’ve had to battle through some Covid issues, which forced us to miss two weeks. Now we’re looking at having to play 2 games within a one-week time span. But, as I told the kids- we need to embrace the challenge. I mean, we could be not playing at all. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that you never know when your last game could be, so take nothing for granted.”

3. How will you handle playing two games in one week? What does that do as far as your normal game day preparation goes?
“I told the team that we need to concentrate on one game at a time. I know that one of the oldest clichés in the book, but for our situation having to play those two games in one week it’s important to remember not to let it become too big to handle. It’s mental. We’ll play one game, then get ready best we can for the 2nd game. Don’t get me Wrong, it’ll be a challenge, but our team will be ready.”

4.The Florida High School state playoffs are very different this season, with every team that opts to stay in guaranteed of a playoff spot. What’s your thoughts on this unique situation?
“I’ll tell you, while we’re glad to be playing in the playoffs it would have been nice to have had the right to play for a district championship. There will not be a district champion crowned this year, we’ll just go straight into that playoff game. There’s something to be said for earning your way in. We are grateful to have a chance to be in the playoffs but we would have liked it to be more measured. But again, we have to accept that it’s a part of a very different season so far, so we’ll get ready and go play!”

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