Lopsided Score Policy in High School Football

Lopsided Score Policy in High School Football

What exactly is ‘Running up the score?’ In Nassau County, New York there is actually a “lopsided Score Policy” for that school district. The policy states that any coach whose teams win by 42 points or more must explain to the committee how they made adjustments to keep the margin of victory to a minimum of 42 points.

In 2019, a Long Island Coach was actually suspended for one game for violating the policy when his team, Plainridge High School, was accused of running up the score in A 61-13 victory. The coach, Rob Shaver, was accused of leaving his starters and regulars in the game even after his team had gained a sizable lead. This drew the ire of the Nassau County’s Lopsided Score Committee, who handed down the one game ban.


Written by: Phil Jones

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