Game Changer

If you haven’t already heard, the high school football playoff point season in Florida is changing. Don’t worry about all of the nitty-gritty details, we broke it down for you.

  • For a Category 1 loss, teams will now only receive 30 points instead of 35.
  • For a Category 2 loss, teams will now only receive 25 points instead of 30.
  • For a Category 3 loss, teams will now only receive 20 points, instead of 25.
  • For a Category 4 loss, teams will now only receive 15 points, instead of 20.
  • For a Category 1 win, teams will now receive 50 points.
  • For a Category 2 win, teams will now receive 45 points.
  • For a Category 3 win, teams will now receive 40 points.
  • For a Category 4 win, teams will now receive 35 points.
  • Teams will be awarded three bonus points for each team they scheduled for this season that reached the playoffs in 2015 or 2016.
  • Bonus points will be awarded for teams that play outside their state against a team that was in their state’s prior playoffs.
  • Total number of games will be divided by the total number of points earned.
  • To qualify, each school must play a minimum of eight regular season games.
  • If a school plays an opponent more than once during the regular season, only the first game will count in the total calculation of points.
  • The final score of a game does not affect the number of points a team receives. So whether you win by 7 or 50, it is the same number of points earned.


Good luck to all the football teams and may the odds (and points) be ever in your favor.

Game Changer

By: Courtney Wagner


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