This week’s guest in ITG Next Georgia’s “4 Questions with the Coach” segment is White County head football coach Chad Bennett. Coach Bennett served as the Warriors offensive coordinator from 2017 through the 2020 season before leaving for one season to take the same role at Gainesville High. Now he has returned to Cleveland, but this time to run the program. He spoke with us about the offseason, the upcoming 2022 season, and his overall outlook on White County.
Q. Coach Bennett, congratulations on being named as the head coach at a place you’re obviously familiar with here at White County. Speaking of that familiarity, what did you feel were the top areas of the team that needed to be addressed first when you came in as the head coach?
A. Coming in as the new White County football coach, I felt the most important thing was to establish the culture, vision, work ethic, and expectations I had for the players and coaches.
Q. I can assume that those were your top priorities this spring and summer. How was spring practice, including the spring scrimmage against Franklin County, and this summer with the passing camps, linemen camps, and just all of the total work you put this White County football team through getting ready for the season?
A. The spring and summer practices went really well. The goal in spring was to teach the guys how to play hard, fast, and physical. We also wanted to make sure that we installed our base offensive and defensive packages. The summer was spent competing in 7-on-7s and hosting a padded camp to help prepare us for the season. The guys have really bought in and gotten better this offseason.
Q. Speaking of the upcoming season, let’s talk about your approach with the offense. Will you remain as the primary play caller or will you delegate those duties to an assistant coach? How do you look position-wise on the offensive side heading into the opener with North Hall?
A. I will still be the primary play caller. I believe that is my greatest strength and I really enjoy calling the offense. I really like our team. We have two good young quarterbacks, two good running backs, and eight to 10 wideouts who can make plays.
Q. Let’s talk about the other side of the ball. You have some holes to fill on defense, with only four starters returning. How do you feel about the defense heading into 2022?
A. I really like the potential of our defense. We are very athletic in the secondary. We have a chance to be a really good defense.