4 Questions with Pace Football Coach Kent Smith

In this week’s “4 Questions” segment, ITG Next Florida spoke with Pace football head coach Kent Smith on the Patriots’ 2022 season up to this point, as well the team’s outlook for district play in the coming weeks.

Q: Your Pace football team is 5-2 at the moment. What are your thoughts on what the team has accomplished up to this point?

A: I think as a team we are really playing together and giving great effort. We have been very close in the two games we did not win. Our kicking game with Reice Griffith has been a big asset. Xackery Wiedner has been an explosive player on offense.

Q: Nick Simmons has enjoyed a strong season at quarterback, accounting for 21 total touchdowns in six games. How big of an impact has he had toward this team’s success on the field?

A: Nick has done well. He is a great competitor. He needs to continue to improve for us in the next couple of weeks.

Q: On the defensive side of the ball, who are some players you have seen take the next step this season?

A: Brandon Beckham has really had a great year. Jackson Ward is doing a great job at linebacker and is one of the best in the area. Our secondary is getting better and will need to do a good job in the next few weeks.

Q: Looking ahead, what are you looking to see from this group with some big district matchups looming?

A: We need to continue to improve to finish strong in the next few weeks.

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