
10 Questions with Heather Alday

Today’s athletes, whether professional or amateur, have the benefit of living in a time when medical care has developed beyond just a visit to a physician when a problem arises. Physical therapy, new advances in orthopedics, and specialized sports medicine are increasing the success of athletic recovery and rehabilitation. While chiropractic care is not new to the health care field, many athletes are turning to it to enhance their care or supplement programs already being utilized.

Locally, Alday Chiropractic offers athletes in high school and beyond the services of quality chiropractic care. In The Game asked owner Heather Alday 10 questions about her field of care as it relates to athletes.

In The Game: How long have you been in practice?

Heather Alday: I opened Alday Chiropractic 14 years ago after relocating to Columbus.

ITG: When did you become owner of Alday Chiropractic?

HA: (See answer above)

ITG: What age are the patients that you see for care in your practice?

HA: I see patients of all ages. From newborns to seniors, and every age in between.

ITG: How do you keep up with the latest developments in chiropractic care?

HA: I stay up on the latest developments in chiropractic care through reading articles in chiropractic magazines and reading studies that are published in research journals. I also attend multiple continuing education classes and seminars every year.

ITG: Has chiropractic care changed since you first began practicing?

HA: Chiropractic care is always evolving.

ITG: Do you see athletes (amateur and professional) in your practice?

HA: I see athletes in the office in addition to other patients. Most of the athletes I see are teens and young adults. They range in age from elementary school up through college. Just to name a few of the sports played by these athletes I see, you have football, baseball, volleyball, basketball, golf, cheerleading, and more. There are a growing number of athletes using chiropractic care for overall wellness and preventive care.

ITG: What are some of the common reasons high school athletes seek out your chiropractic services?

HA: Athletes tend to seek chiropractic care because they want to function at their best. By keeping their spines in proper alignment, the athlete is able to perform at his or her optimum potential. Athletes find chiropractic care good for gaining a competitive edge. Also, chiropractic care helps with longevity on the playing field. The goal is to help the athlete avoid injury.

ITG: Do you work in conjunction with a patient’s physical therapy or medical plan for rehab and recovery?

HA: If a patient comes into the office already under care with a medical doctor and physical therapist, we do work in conjunction with the plan their medical doctor has put into action. However, if the athlete starts care with our office and needs care beyond or in combination with the care we provide, we refer the patient to the proper health care provider.

ITG: Are your office visits covered by some insurance providers?

HA: Chiropractic care is covered by most insurance plans.

ITG: What is the best thing about your job?

HA: The best thing about my job is helping people achieve the goals they have set for themselves, both on and off the field. I love to keep people healthy, happy, and performing to the best of their ability.

Personal bio:

Name: Heather Alday, D.C.

Job title: Chiropractor

Hometown: Bainbridge, Georgia

Education: Life University, Doctor of Chiropractic

Family: Husband, Romeo Byll. My parents, my brother, and my niece also live in Columbus.

Professional accomplishments: Member of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, International Chiropractic Association, and Christian Chiropractic Association. I participate in the community through the Valley Rescue Mission, Soldier Marathon, and I perform exams for Special Olympics.

Favorite past time/hobbies: I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also love to read and travel.

Person you most admire: I greatly admire my husband. He is an extremely kind, intelligent, caring, and dedication person. He makes me want to strive to be better every day.

Columbus Valley/10 Questions/December 2015

Heather Alday, Chiropractor

Columbus, Ga.

By Beth Welch

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