
Get to Know Haley Bujeda

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10 Things You Should Know About Haley

  1. I got into diving after 13 years of gymnastics. I had repeated injuries and wanted to try something new.
  2. One thing diving has taught me is to stay focused. When on the board, you want to eliminate all distractions and think about each and every step individually. I use this in my daily life whenever performing a task.
  3. My biggest inspiration is my dive coach, Melisa Hyams. She was a gymnast just like me who suffered an injury, causing her gymnastics career to be over. She went to the Olympics in 1996 and helps me push myself to achieve my goal of going to the Olympics in 2024.
  4. Since COVID-19 began, I have not been able to get into the pool in the past three months. However, I have worked out every day at home because I believe it is very important to stay active.
  5. I believe positivity is the most important thing in life. Staying positive no matter what is what will help you achieve your goals. I also started my own organization called Jamaican Backpacks where I collect school supplies and donate them to underprivileged schools in various countries.
  6. I hope that I am able to inspire people to achieve their goals and believe in their dreams.
  7. FIU won my heart over right when I stepped onto the campus. I was getting looked at by many different schools, but I knew FIU was the school for me once I met the team and the coaches. On my official visit, I was able to attend a swim and dive meet against University of Miami and FIU. The atmosphere was something that I’ve never experienced before, and I absolutely fell in love with the school.
  8. I bring a positive attitude and a hard work ethic to the FIU swim and dive team. I push myself to my limits and help my peers push themselves as well. I also always try to make everything fun!
  9. It has been my goal ever since I was a gymnast to sign D1, whether it was for gymnastics or any other sport. I am more than grateful to have this amazing opportunity.
  10. I Live In the Game by training every day like it’s a competition.
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Written by: Catherine Cavallo


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